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What factors affect the price of floating floats? 作者:jsydl 时间:2020.09.21 11:33:23 点击次数:387

1. Specifications

The price of floating floats of different specifications varies greatly. For the same type of floating float material, the difference between specifications is almost equal to the difference in area. Therefore, when selecting specifications, it needs to be determined according to actual usage and environmental usage.

2. Material

There are slight differences in performance of floating floats of different materials. The difference in quality of pontoons of different materials is obvious. It is made of high-quality materials and has a long service life and can be formed at one time.


The application types of floating floats are very common. When the floating floats are produced, the manufacturing of their characteristics will be determined according to the specific application environment of the floating floats. At the price level, high-quality floating floats will be more expensive than ordinary floating floats.


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